Autumn Porter
Autumn, the co-host of The Butterfly Vortex podcast, is a passionate advocate for spirituality, health, and wellness. Her passion for these topics stems from her deep curiosity about the human mind and body, and how they can work together to create a fulfilling life. In her free time, she studies nutrition and is an avid practitioner of yoga. With a background in behavioral neuroscience from UCLA, she brings a unique perspective to the world of personal development. Her love of nutrition led her to start her own vegan and gluten-free cookie company called Autumn's SuperNatural, which embodies her commitment to wholesome and delicious food that nourishes the mind and body. Her kind and conscious approach to life is reflected in all of her pursuits, and her high energy and positive spirit make her a natural leader in the wellness community. Tune in to The Butterfly Vortex to learn from Autumn and her co-host Dev as they explore the realms of personal growth and self-discovery.